
"No matter where I am, your teachings fill me with songs." - Psalm 119:54 (CEV)

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Really Bloody Cross (Good Friday)

Someone said it in a sermon we listened to,

That if you ever doubt how much God loves you,

Look at the bloody cross.

I did just that with my friends last week,

Saw a tiny glimpse -

A movie that doesn't even come close to how bloody and messy it really was -

And each blow hit my soul,

And I closed my eyes because there was so much blood.

It wasn't just a bloody cross,

It was a really bloody cross,

A bloody day,

Pools of blood lying on the ground,

Blood dripping down upright wood,

Blood just everywhere,

And this is love,

That He would do this to glorify Himself,

And that He would do this to save me -

The two most loving reasons anyone has ever done anything for me.

Me - Pharisee, Betrayer, Denier, Mocker, Scorner, . . .

This is love.

Music for today:
     Meditate on these words, maybe listen to the GLAD a cappella version if you can find it?
      How bloody that cross was, the command to love - not a burden, but a great privilege.
     "He's praying for you."
     "You would be justified to condemn me."


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