I'm not sure why,
But she sat next to me.
I've only known her a couple of weeks,
And I tend to be so shy around people I don't know.
She was probably taking a risk,
Knowing that there might not be much to talk about
And we'd both sit there feeling awkward,
Not having much to say to one another.
She probably figured that, since she was close to my age,
And I don't really know people very well yet . . .
Or maybe her parents suggested it to her
Or she suggested it to them.
I don't know.
But she came
And she asked
And she sat next to me,
When it was all over,
We talked.
We talked about evangelism and our struggles with it
And about things that had happened in my life;
About memorizing Scripture
And favorite pastors.
We talked about the state of the world today
And the state of our own hearts.
We ended up confessing sin and struggles,
The two of us, who have only known each other for a few weeks,
Only seen each other on Sundays for a few hours,
And, when we finish, I tell her it's been awhile.
Here, away from school,
Away from the friends I usually talk about all those things with . . .
It's been awhile.
I don't tell her
(And I suppose I should've)
That I am so blessed
That God has put me somewhere where I can talk to people like that,
And that I am blessed
Because He brought her into my life,
Because she sat next to me.
Even though it was risky.
She sat next to me.
Sorry, no reasons again this week.
The insanity of the last few months continues.
If anyone else wants to share, though?
Counting 10,000 Reasons to worship Him:
(Sylvia's already made it to - past - 10,000! So amazing to think of who He is like this!)
<a href="http://maryschieferstein.blogspot.com/search/label/10000%20Reasons" target="_blank"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEitidrfBKBWTHSBiWyh3WMRKjHFgYKk-RxjYB9-uePQb1-uI3t3bjysPnR65zloJJ0LgTqhT5kW70Rk8VOC2utXFUWhGRPIxNCqzZ_9YQryYPMJdj2XpiX0oawLUiMnmxFOeMkmjk3IIA/s320/10000ReasonsButton.jpg" /></a>
Counting in community: